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Callebaut ICW2NV553 White Chocolate 28% 2.5 Kg

Callebaut ICW2NV553 White Chocolate 28% 2.5 Kg

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Product Description:

It has a delightful taste with pronounced milky, creamy, caramelly and vanilla notes that are in perfect balance. W2 can be paired with a wide range of ingredients and flavours: from sour to bitter, spices to herbs and from fruits to beers.
With its medium fluidity, this is a great all-round chocolate. Used in chocolate bars or hollow figures, it takes you by surprise with its lovely satin gloss and snappy texture. And fully rely on it to flavour mousses, crèmes, ice creams, drinks and sauces.


Komposisi: 33.6% Cocoa (min), 20.8% Susu, 36% Lemak

Fluiditas: Three-drop

Asal Biji: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Ecuador

Cocok dikombinasikan dengan: Cinnamon, Vanilla, Cloves, Laurel, Cardamom, Mango, Apricot, Lemon, Cognac (Armagnac), Grappa, Leffe Blond, Macadamia nut, Truffle Oil, Lavender

1 pcs

About The Brand

Barry Callebaut adalah salah satu produsen kakao dan pembuatan produk cokelat terbesar di dunia, dengan produksi tahunan rata-rata 2.000.000 ton coklat & kakao. Diciptakan pada tahun 1996, Barry Callebaut melalui penggabungan produsen cokelat Belgia Callebaut dan perusahaan Perancis cacao Barry.

Produk ini dikirim oleh SerataFoods. Pengiriman akan selesai diproses dalam kurun waktu 1-3 hari kerja.

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